Beberapa kejadian yang berlaku di hadapan kami pada sebilangan anak-anak tetamu agak menakutkan. Ada anak yang menjerit-jerit melawan ibubapanya sewaktu bertamu. Ada yang ‘tidak makan saman’. Walaupun ibu bapa sudah menjerkah mereka dengan nada suara yang amat tinggi, anak-anak tetap meneruskan perlakuan yang tidak diingini.
Ada yang membuka pintu-pintu bilik dan kenderaan sesuka hati, ada yang meramas buah yang disajikan, ada yang berlari kesana ke mari depan orang tua, ada yang memanjat kerusi meja dan sebagainya. Kami amat mengerti perasaan ibubapa itu kerana sebahagian kami juga pernah mengalaminya sebelum ini.
Dalam satu kes, ada anak berusia sekitar 6-7 tahun mengherdik bapanya dengan perkataan ‘bapak bodoh’. Apabila ibunya bangkit menengking sepantas kilat terbit kata-kata ‘emak babi’. Bapa saudaranya yang tidak tahan melihat kelakuan itu terus sekuatnya menghempuk kepala budak itu dengan telefon sampai membuatkan kami tercengang. MasyaAllah.. anak itu boleh mati dihentak.
Melihat kepatuhan ‘kebanyakan’ anak-anak RPWP (belum semuanya), ramai ibubapa bertanya apakah rahsianya sehingga anak-anak pelbagai peringkat umur seramai itu boleh dibentuk akhlaknya. Kami hanya mampu katakan kami cuba ikut apa sahaja pedoman dari alquran dan sunnah.
Antaranya, Alquran mengajarkan agar anak-anak diajar menggunakan pendengaran, pengelihatan dan hati. Ajar anak menghormati ibubapa dan orang yang lebih tua. Allah haramkan seorang anak dari membantah ibubapa walau dalam apa jua bentuk, waimah berkata ‘ahhhh’ sekalipun. Bagi kami apabila anak tidak menyahut panggilan dengan pantas, atau menyahut dengan acuh tak acuh juga sudah dikira membantah. Apatah lagi jika dipanggil tidak datang, disuruh tidak mahu pergi. Itu semua termasuk dalam katagori berkata ‘ah’ bagi kami.
Antara contoh sunnah pula ialah pesan Nabi SAW agar kita ajar anak dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad. Maknanya, pendidikan anak harus bermula awal, sebelum mereka mumayyiz lagi. Jika kita lambat mengisi jiwanya, maka fahaman jahat (regime syaitan) akan cepat merasuk dan mengambil tempat. Kerana itulah kita disaran memperdengarkan seruan Allah yang diritualkan melalui azan oleh si ayah sebaik sahaja mereka lahir, diteruskan pula dengan alunan naluri tasbih, tahmid, tahlil dan selawat oleh ibu.
Sebenarnya kebanyakan anak-anak yang diserahkan kepada kami juga membawa pelbagai kerosakan akhlak. Hakikatnya apabila kematian bapa, maka kebanyakan anak-anak yatim akan kehilangan pengatur atau murobbi walaupun sebahagian mereka mendapat cukup sara hidup.
Ada di kalangan anak yatim ini awalnya berkemampuan dan ada harta tinggalan ibubapa mereka. Sebahagiannya mendapat simpati masyarakat melalui sumbangan derma yang banyak, terutamanya apabila kematian ibubapa mereka itu agak sadis dan mendapat liputan meluas. Namun dek kerana tiada bimbingan, maka dengan sekelip mata harta tinggalan ibubapa atau sumbangan orang ramai itu sendiri telah membuatkan mereka semakin liar dan membuatkan mereka diherdik.
Itulah tanggungjawab khusus yang telah Allah wajibkan kepada semua yang mahu mengaku beragama dengan agama Allah. Kerana itu dalam surah al-Ma’un, Allah sebut tentang ‘membiarkan’ atau ‘mengherdik’ anak yatim. Bagi anak yatim yang terlantar atau miskin, maka tanggungjawab kita juga termasuk membantu mereka dalam soal makan minum.
Ironinya, kebanyakan dari masalah akhlak anak-anak ini jelas dapat kami kesan bermula dari awal, iaitu semasa ibubapa mereka masih hidup lagi. Kes yang kami sebut di atas tadi adalah salah satu daripadanya, iaitu kerosakan akhlak seawal itu dilihat di hadapan ayah ibu kandung mereka sendiri.
Antara bukti lain ialah apabila ditanyakan pada mereka bila mula merokok, mula meliwat atau sodomy, mula melihat video lucah, hisap dadah, minum arak, bergaduh dan sebagainya, maka ada anak seumur 9-12 tahun yang mengaku telah mula melakukannya sejak darjah satu. Padahal bapanya baru meninggal setahun lalu.
Ada yang mengaku pernah melakukannya bersama abang kandung, ada yang kata pernah melihat video lucah melalui telefon atau komputer bapanya, ada yang melihat sendiri bagaimana abangnya meniduri teman wanita ketika ibubapa tiada di rumah, bahkan melihat senggama ibubapanya, ada yang dipengaruhi rakan sekolah dan macam macam lagi.
Kerana perintah Allah itulah maka kami cuba sedaya upaya untuk memulihkan apa sahaja tahap kerosakan akhlak anak-anak ini seperti anak sendiri. Bukan sekadar menternak mereka. Selepas akhlak mereka terbentuk, barulah kami cari jalan untuk memajukan akademik mereka bersama pihak sekolah.
Namun begitu ada juga sebahagian yang terpaksa kami ambil alih sepenuhnya dari pihak sekolah. Ini kerana pihak sekolah ada banyak urusan untuk menangani anak-anak murid yang ramai sedangkan anak-anak yatim ini memerlukan perhatian khusus dan sepenuh masa untuk memulihkan semula akhlak mereka.
Untuk kes-kes berat, maka kami terpaksa tumpukan pada pemulihan akhlak. Kami persiapkan mereka dengan bidang pendidikan agama melalui pengajian tahfiz dan bidang iktisas di RPWP sahaja. Ini kerana kami tidak mahu mereka yang sudah tidak minat belajar ini menggunakan masa belajar di sekolah untuk berkeliaran. Ini akan menjadikan mereka semakin rosak bahkan boleh merosakkan orang lain di sekolah.
Kepada ibubapa yang bertanyakan tips untuk menghindari masalah kerosakan akhlak dari peringkat awal ini, ingin kami rujuk kepada sunnah rasulullah SAW seperti di atas. Kami gunakan fasa 7 yang berulang dengan menekankan pembangunan sahsiah anak-anak sahaja dahulu pada 7 tahun pertama.
Kami cuba bimbing mereka agar jadi mumayyiz dengan betul di peringkat awal. Ini kerana ramai anak-anak yang terbiar telah menjadi ‘mumayyiz’ dengan cara yang salah. Perkara buruk mereka anggap baik dan begitulah juga sebaliknya. Mereka banyak terdedah dan telah terlanjur ‘meniru’ contoh yang salah namun mereka rasakan itu ‘betul’.
Anak-anak kecil di bawah umur 7 tahun tidak terlalu kami tekankan dengan pembelajaran kalam, atau teks dalam bilik darjah. Kami banyakkan pembelajaran alam dengan melatih mereka menggunakan fungsi pendengaran, pengelihatan dan hati sepertimana arahan Allah dalam quran.
Antara kaedahnya ialah melalui latihan pergaulan dan tolong menolong. Kami campurkan mereka dengan rakan sebaya yang telah terbina sahsiahnya agar mereka dapat mengikuti contoh yang baik dan menerima ‘standard’ akhlak dari jemaah rakan sebaya mereka. Sementara itu kami jadikan rakan sebaya yang sudah agak baik akhlaknya untuk mendampingi dan mengapit mereka, melapurkan kepada kami beberapa kali sehari akan segala salah laku yang berlaku untuk kami kenalpasti dan perbaiki.
Budaya ini adalah antara kesilapan besar yang dapat kami kesan dari kajian dan pengalaman kami. Selain dari itu penerapan ‘rule and regulation, boundary and limitation’ juga amat penting. Ramai ibubapa membiarkan habit anak yang berkeliaran tanpa sebarang tegahan, tanpa menyediakan batas dan sempadan, tanpa menerangkan dengan bahasa mudah tentang pengatur dan aturan.
Lebih parah lagi apabila anak-anak ini melihat contoh buruk dari habit ibubapa dan keluarga sendiri serta manusia di sekitarnya. Mereka sering melihat ibubapa menjerkah dan menengking orang tua mereka, isteri menengking suami, kakak menengking abang dan sebagainya.
Di peringkat awal pembangunan sahsiah, kanak-kanak hidup dengan pengaruh semasa (live in moment). Mereka belajar dari apa yang mereka lihat dan apa yang mereka dengar. Menumpukan kepada pembelajaran teks dan angka akan memakan masa mereka yang seharusnya digunakan untuk membentuk sahsiah di peringkat itu.
Apabila akhlak mereka terabai, maka kerosakan itu akan bertambah hari demi hari. Akhirnya ibubapa jadi kelamkabut untuk membentuk mereka. Ini menjadikan ibubapa kurang sabar dan meluat dengan perangai mereka.
Satu-satunya pilihan yang ada ialah dengan meninggikan suara atau menghukum mereka dengan ganas. Jika ibubapa masih boleh sabar, amah, pengasuh atau guru pula tidak mampu sabar. Maka banyaklah kes anak yang didera guru dan pengasuh sampai ramai yang maut atau cedera.
Apa yang kita beri, itulah yang akan kita dapat. Dekatkanlah diri kita pada anak sejak ia lahir mengikut keperluan. Jangan kelek anak sepanjang masa ketika ia bayi kerana itu akan memanjakan mereka. Ajar bayi kita berdikari sejak awal. Tetapi harus letakkan mereka di jarak yang mampu kita pantau dengan mata dan telinga.
Ibu khususnya harus sensitif dengan tangisan anak. Jangan biarkan anak menangis lebih dari 10 saat tanpa telinga kita mengesannya. Sebelum anak itu pandai berkata-kata, tangisan itu adalah bahasa komunikasi mereka dengan kita. Jika dapat secepat itu kita layani panggilan mereka insyaAllah mereka tidak akan meninggikan nada tangisan mereka untuk seolah-olah menengking kita.
Demikian juga fungsi mata. Sentiasalah perhatikan gerak geri bayi kita. Jika ia merangkak atau berjalan ke tempat yang tidak dapat kita lihat, apatah lagi menuju ke tempat bahaya, maka segera tegah dan panggil mereka. Tunjuk bahasa badan atau memek muka tanda marah jika mereka enggan.
Jika akhlak anak sudah terbentuk, kemajuan akademik akan berjalan sendiri. Namun jangan pula biarkan mereka dipengaruhi dengan persekitaran yang buruk. Ibubapa juga jangan tengking menengking atau bergaduh depan anak. Sebaiknya jangan langsung diamalkan budaya itu sama sekali walaupun di belakang anak.
Para isteri harus tunjukkan budaya patuh dan redha pada suami depan anak-anak. Sesuai dengan sifat nisak, sentiasalah berkata lembut, berwajah manis dan banyakkan memohon maaf atau istighfar pada suami, khasnya jika suami anda jenis yang beriman dan matang.
Jika suami memang jenis ganas dan bersifat Fir’aun, banyakkan bersabar dan mengalah. Janganlah suka melayan berang suami. Matikan perbalahan dengan meninggalkan suami yang sedang berang dengan cara yang baik. Nasihati anak agar memaafkan bapa yang tidak berakhlak agar anak tidak meniru sifat itu. InsyaAllah anak anda akan tetap terbentuk dan ia bakal jadi penawar apabila besar kelak, sekalipun anda terpaksa bercerai dengan suami anda yang macam Firaun itu.
Jika terpaksa memarahi atau menghukum anak di bawah 7 tahun, jauhi nada tinggi. Banyakkan berbicara dengan bahasa yang mudah mereka faham untuk menerapkan sikap yang ingin kita bentuk. Cuba usahakan agar menghukum dengan wajar jika mereka buat salah. Jika perlu memperkenalkan rotan pun, lakukanlah dengan tenang dan senyum. Beri penjelasan mengenai kelakuan yang anda tidak suka.
Itu semua akan mengajar mereka untuk menjadi orang yang sensitif dan rasional. Ajar mereka berinteraksi penuh adab dengan kita dan sesama mereka. Banyakkan berbicara dengan anak, sekali sekala bergurau dan melawak bagi mengajar mereka keperluan untuk senyum, marah, suka dan duka dalam kehidupan. Bagi yang belum berkesempatan, link video berikut mungkin dapat memberikan sedikit gambaran.
Semuga bermanfaat. Selamat mencuba.
Tips parenting
Kembali Perjuangkan Kebenaran
Mari menentang segala kezaliman yang masih belum pasti noktahnya
About Me
- aizat nasri
- 1. sekolah kebangsaan batu gajah melaka (1996-2001) 2. sekolah menengah kebangsaan bandar baru salak tinggi (2002-2004) 3. sekolah menengah sains selangor (2005-2006) 4. centre for foundation studies iium petaling jaya (2007-2009) 4. iium kuantan campus (2009-2014 insyaAllah)
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Derma bukan tontotnan
Al-Quran > Surah Al- Baqarah> Ayat 264
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jangan rosakkan (pahala amal) sedekah kamu dengan perkataan membangkit-bangkit dan (kelakuan yang) menyakiti, seperti (rosaknya pahala amal sedekah) orang yang membelanjakan hartanya kerana hendak menunjuk-nunjuk kepada manusia (riak) dan dia pula tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Maka bandingan orang itu ialah seperti batu licin yang ada tanah di atasnya, kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu ditinggalkannya bersih licin (tidak bertanah lagi). (Demikianlah juga halnya orang-orang yang kafir dan riak itu) mereka tidak akan mendapat sesuatu (pahala) pun dari apa yang mereka usahakan dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada kaum yang kafir.
Semoga derma dilakukan dengan ikhlas.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jangan rosakkan (pahala amal) sedekah kamu dengan perkataan membangkit-bangkit dan (kelakuan yang) menyakiti, seperti (rosaknya pahala amal sedekah) orang yang membelanjakan hartanya kerana hendak menunjuk-nunjuk kepada manusia (riak) dan dia pula tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Maka bandingan orang itu ialah seperti batu licin yang ada tanah di atasnya, kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu ditinggalkannya bersih licin (tidak bertanah lagi). (Demikianlah juga halnya orang-orang yang kafir dan riak itu) mereka tidak akan mendapat sesuatu (pahala) pun dari apa yang mereka usahakan dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada kaum yang kafir.
Semoga derma dilakukan dengan ikhlas.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Isu di labour room/ward bersalin
Lip Service is defined as : support for someone or something that is expressed by someone in words but that is not shown in that person’s actions.
Previously, it was the vaccine issue… pseudo-religious lip service about how Allah has created human beings as perfect and we don’t need any harmful vaccine for our newborns. (Gosh, even though in hindsight, that might not be a case of lip service. More like, a case of sheer stupidity)
In this case, I meant the lip service offered by so-called pious concerned public about the aurat of muslimahs in the healthcare settings in general, and in labour room in specific.
It’s a religious lip service because:
1)The same religious people who want only female doctors for themselves and their wives are also sometimes the same religious people who would make questionable religious statement that sounds like this: “A good wife is someone who will stay at home and take care of the kids, to raise them up as future khalifah of this world.” Sounds so nice, isn’t it?
- Your action of being derogatory towards working mothers is in CLEAR contradiction to your wish to see ONLY WOMEN DOCTORS being in-charge of your female family members. What? Don’t you think those female doctors have their own kids? You expect them to dance attendance on you 24/7 and leave their kids behind at home because your family needs them more?
2)The same religious men who think they sound religiously macho when they say “I want female doctors for my wife because her vagina is NOT for the delectable view of any other eyes but mine” are sometimes also the same men who don’t seem to really care being examined by female doctors for themselves. Hypocrite MUCH?
-I get it! You trust female doctors to not be affected by handsome men the way male doctors will be to beautiful women. Perhaps, in your religious estimation, males being clinically examined by female doctors are not as haram as females being clinically examined by male doctors?
- How about if we insist that we women doctors, do not want to examine male patients? It is not fair to women doctors that they are burdened to dance attendance on BOTH males and females… but their male counterparts are responsible to care for male patients only. And one minute ago, you tell me that you want women to bloody stay at home to fit your expectation of a good, pious wife.
- These people seem to think that at this moment in our healthcare scenario, we KKM doctors have the luxury to choose our specialty based on our gender? Sorry… we are talking about Malaysia. We don’t have unlimited resources like other rich developed countries. But, hey wait a minute, not ONE rich developed country has been able to guarantee that you will get the right doctor according to your gender. Because ‘right’ in the clinical sense, is about being adequately trained and competently able.. and THAT, is NOT gender-classified.
3)The same religious people who insist on being attended by female doctors only are sometimes the same people who suddenly think that being in hospital means that they don’t actually have to perform the five obligatory prayers.
- This is REAL!! Can anybody’s common sense of priority get any more warped than THIS?
4)What do these religious people say when we have female nurses attending male patients? Is that okay, now? You don’t feel the need to question it? To address it?
You know, it’s funny when people go around making rash statements that the government is stupid and only come up with half-baked policies that don’t even work and sometimes tend to backfire on them. It’s funny because our government is the reflection of our public. The public is stupid and expect stupid things without taking into account every little aspects of a good feasible policy and without the common sense of reality check. So government have to stoop to their level of stupidity to cater to their needs, in the hope of being voted again for the next term.
Stupid public and stupid government is JUST like the case of chicken and egg.
Now let me give you a scenario to ponder. This scenario is courtesy of my friend and my senior in Newcastle Uni – an O&G medical officer- who posted her thoughts on facebook. My respected senior,Dr. Arneza Syahila said:
“One day, insyaAllah, Malaysia will provide just female doctors to all women in labour or women with obstetrics/gynae problems in all different parts of the country – in the city, in rural areas, in remote areas and deep deep in the jungle. One day… insyaAllah… one day.
But we haven’t come to that state yet. The reality now is such that, in some rural/remote areas, KKM can only provide one or two doctors in charge of that particular health site. One of them, or even both, can be male doctors.
Imagine if you go to that place for a holiday or balik kampung or whatever, all of sudden your wife faces an obstetric emergency that can be life threatening, and the only doctor available in that locality is a male doctor who cannot do anything because, too bad, he was not given the chance to deal with such emergency cases during his training as a houseman.. simply because male doctors were not allowed to deal with O&G patients in big hospitals. Yes, your wife’s life is in danger and you might lose her.
Now, try to look at another perspective. Imagine your wife is the only female doctor in that locality with 2 other male colleagues. Obstetric emergency can happen at anytime of the day or night. If the other 2 male colleagues were not well-equipped to deal with obstetric emergencies, your wife has to be on-duty/oncall for 24 hours per day 356 days per year. Will you be happy?
As i said, one day Insya-Allah one day there will be plenty of female doctors in all different parts of the country (termasuk ceruk2 kampung, atas bukit dan di hujung hutan belantara). Just bear in mind, before we can have that luxury of female doctors, we need to accept the fact that public hospitals are teaching hospitals for all these trainee male doctors, so that they can be equipped with some knowledge and experience before they will be sent out to serve at any part of the country.
Trust me, most male doctors don’t even like being in the labour room. But they have to be there for the safety of their future patients.
An O&G MO / An ex-rural doctor
I am a woman doctor. Before I was a Psychiatric MO, I had gone through 6 postings in housemanship training. My first posting was in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
And let me tell you this. You women may request only female doctors for yourselves. You men may request only female doctors for your wives. But not ALL of you will get what you wish for. You DO, of course, have the option of going to the private hospital and insist for it.
Before you huff and puff and storm off with holier-than-thou self-righteous ramblings, hear me out. I am a woman doctor. I am a Muslim doctor. And the last time I check, aurat is not just what is below the belt.
We understand that you are shy, but you don’t have to make it as though KKM (or government) or Muslim O&G doctors are not Islamic-conscious. You don’t have to make it as though you are the only pure Muslim around who cares about protecting the aurat of muslimahs out there.You don’t have to make it sound as though we CHOOSE to continue training male doctors in labor room out of sheer sadistic pleasure of making you squirm in acute embarrassment.
Because we don’t.
We continue to train all doctors regardless of gender in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology because we don’t have the luxury to send ONLY female doctors to every single nook and cranny of the countries – in a large amount of them, too, if your expectations is to be catered – simply so that your wife don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of being CLINICALLY attended by their male Muslim brothers. We continue to train all doctors regardless of gender in the field of Obs&Gyn so that when these doctors are sent to serve in the remote areas, they know enough basic knowledge and necessary procedures to be able to become safe doctors to the public over there – the public who don’t have the luxury of big city hospital to demand gender-specific doctor.
It’s for the sake of the public safety.
Your expectations should stand the test of reality check! Because, being religious is not just about making ‘hukum’.
Being religious is also hand to glove with being practical.
And what we are doing, is not even against the Islamic teaching in the first place. Ulama have debated over this issue a long time ago. When it is darurat, it is allowed for cross-gender interaction in the medical field. And nowadays, we practice chaperoning female patients with another female colleague. If you are questioning the state of darurah that we are having in the medical field after all I have said above, then I am done with you because you are obviously the sort who will never see reason.
All I want to say in this post is one thing: get off your high horse, oh you of pseudo-religious smartass! Your lip service can do nothing to save the public. You are making it worse for us, doctors and for them, patients.
Your pseudo-religious lip service is –metaphorically and literally – making the public sick.
taken from
Previously, it was the vaccine issue… pseudo-religious lip service about how Allah has created human beings as perfect and we don’t need any harmful vaccine for our newborns. (Gosh, even though in hindsight, that might not be a case of lip service. More like, a case of sheer stupidity)
In this case, I meant the lip service offered by so-called pious concerned public about the aurat of muslimahs in the healthcare settings in general, and in labour room in specific.
It’s a religious lip service because:
1)The same religious people who want only female doctors for themselves and their wives are also sometimes the same religious people who would make questionable religious statement that sounds like this: “A good wife is someone who will stay at home and take care of the kids, to raise them up as future khalifah of this world.” Sounds so nice, isn’t it?
- Your action of being derogatory towards working mothers is in CLEAR contradiction to your wish to see ONLY WOMEN DOCTORS being in-charge of your female family members. What? Don’t you think those female doctors have their own kids? You expect them to dance attendance on you 24/7 and leave their kids behind at home because your family needs them more?
2)The same religious men who think they sound religiously macho when they say “I want female doctors for my wife because her vagina is NOT for the delectable view of any other eyes but mine” are sometimes also the same men who don’t seem to really care being examined by female doctors for themselves. Hypocrite MUCH?
-I get it! You trust female doctors to not be affected by handsome men the way male doctors will be to beautiful women. Perhaps, in your religious estimation, males being clinically examined by female doctors are not as haram as females being clinically examined by male doctors?
- How about if we insist that we women doctors, do not want to examine male patients? It is not fair to women doctors that they are burdened to dance attendance on BOTH males and females… but their male counterparts are responsible to care for male patients only. And one minute ago, you tell me that you want women to bloody stay at home to fit your expectation of a good, pious wife.
- These people seem to think that at this moment in our healthcare scenario, we KKM doctors have the luxury to choose our specialty based on our gender? Sorry… we are talking about Malaysia. We don’t have unlimited resources like other rich developed countries. But, hey wait a minute, not ONE rich developed country has been able to guarantee that you will get the right doctor according to your gender. Because ‘right’ in the clinical sense, is about being adequately trained and competently able.. and THAT, is NOT gender-classified.
3)The same religious people who insist on being attended by female doctors only are sometimes the same people who suddenly think that being in hospital means that they don’t actually have to perform the five obligatory prayers.
- This is REAL!! Can anybody’s common sense of priority get any more warped than THIS?
4)What do these religious people say when we have female nurses attending male patients? Is that okay, now? You don’t feel the need to question it? To address it?
You know, it’s funny when people go around making rash statements that the government is stupid and only come up with half-baked policies that don’t even work and sometimes tend to backfire on them. It’s funny because our government is the reflection of our public. The public is stupid and expect stupid things without taking into account every little aspects of a good feasible policy and without the common sense of reality check. So government have to stoop to their level of stupidity to cater to their needs, in the hope of being voted again for the next term.
Stupid public and stupid government is JUST like the case of chicken and egg.
Now let me give you a scenario to ponder. This scenario is courtesy of my friend and my senior in Newcastle Uni – an O&G medical officer- who posted her thoughts on facebook. My respected senior,Dr. Arneza Syahila said:
“One day, insyaAllah, Malaysia will provide just female doctors to all women in labour or women with obstetrics/gynae problems in all different parts of the country – in the city, in rural areas, in remote areas and deep deep in the jungle. One day… insyaAllah… one day.
But we haven’t come to that state yet. The reality now is such that, in some rural/remote areas, KKM can only provide one or two doctors in charge of that particular health site. One of them, or even both, can be male doctors.
Imagine if you go to that place for a holiday or balik kampung or whatever, all of sudden your wife faces an obstetric emergency that can be life threatening, and the only doctor available in that locality is a male doctor who cannot do anything because, too bad, he was not given the chance to deal with such emergency cases during his training as a houseman.. simply because male doctors were not allowed to deal with O&G patients in big hospitals. Yes, your wife’s life is in danger and you might lose her.
Now, try to look at another perspective. Imagine your wife is the only female doctor in that locality with 2 other male colleagues. Obstetric emergency can happen at anytime of the day or night. If the other 2 male colleagues were not well-equipped to deal with obstetric emergencies, your wife has to be on-duty/oncall for 24 hours per day 356 days per year. Will you be happy?
As i said, one day Insya-Allah one day there will be plenty of female doctors in all different parts of the country (termasuk ceruk2 kampung, atas bukit dan di hujung hutan belantara). Just bear in mind, before we can have that luxury of female doctors, we need to accept the fact that public hospitals are teaching hospitals for all these trainee male doctors, so that they can be equipped with some knowledge and experience before they will be sent out to serve at any part of the country.
Trust me, most male doctors don’t even like being in the labour room. But they have to be there for the safety of their future patients.
An O&G MO / An ex-rural doctor
I am a woman doctor. Before I was a Psychiatric MO, I had gone through 6 postings in housemanship training. My first posting was in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
And let me tell you this. You women may request only female doctors for yourselves. You men may request only female doctors for your wives. But not ALL of you will get what you wish for. You DO, of course, have the option of going to the private hospital and insist for it.
Before you huff and puff and storm off with holier-than-thou self-righteous ramblings, hear me out. I am a woman doctor. I am a Muslim doctor. And the last time I check, aurat is not just what is below the belt.
We understand that you are shy, but you don’t have to make it as though KKM (or government) or Muslim O&G doctors are not Islamic-conscious. You don’t have to make it as though you are the only pure Muslim around who cares about protecting the aurat of muslimahs out there.You don’t have to make it sound as though we CHOOSE to continue training male doctors in labor room out of sheer sadistic pleasure of making you squirm in acute embarrassment.
Because we don’t.
We continue to train all doctors regardless of gender in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology because we don’t have the luxury to send ONLY female doctors to every single nook and cranny of the countries – in a large amount of them, too, if your expectations is to be catered – simply so that your wife don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of being CLINICALLY attended by their male Muslim brothers. We continue to train all doctors regardless of gender in the field of Obs&Gyn so that when these doctors are sent to serve in the remote areas, they know enough basic knowledge and necessary procedures to be able to become safe doctors to the public over there – the public who don’t have the luxury of big city hospital to demand gender-specific doctor.
It’s for the sake of the public safety.
Your expectations should stand the test of reality check! Because, being religious is not just about making ‘hukum’.
Being religious is also hand to glove with being practical.
And what we are doing, is not even against the Islamic teaching in the first place. Ulama have debated over this issue a long time ago. When it is darurat, it is allowed for cross-gender interaction in the medical field. And nowadays, we practice chaperoning female patients with another female colleague. If you are questioning the state of darurah that we are having in the medical field after all I have said above, then I am done with you because you are obviously the sort who will never see reason.
All I want to say in this post is one thing: get off your high horse, oh you of pseudo-religious smartass! Your lip service can do nothing to save the public. You are making it worse for us, doctors and for them, patients.
Your pseudo-religious lip service is –metaphorically and literally – making the public sick.
taken from
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Kandungan Isteri Sudah 14 minggu
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